LinkToContent Property

Microsoft Office Visual Basic

True if the value of the custom document property is linked to the content of the container document. False if the value is static. Read/write Boolean.


This property applies only to custom document properties. For built-in document properties, the value of this property is False.

Use the LinkSource property to set the source for the specified linked property. Setting the LinkSource property sets the LinkToContent property to True.


This example displays the linked status of the custom document property. For the example to work, dp must be a valid DocumentProperty object.

Sub DisplayLinkStatus(dp As DocumentProperty)
    Dim stat As String, tf As String
    If dp.LinkToContent Then
        tf = ""
        tf = "not "
    End If
    stat = "This property is " & tf & "linked"
    If dp.LinkToContent Then
        stat = stat + Chr(13) & "The link source is " & dp.LinkSource
    End If
    MsgBox stat
End Sub