Returns or sets the name of a Visual Basic procedure that will run when the user clicks or changes the value of a command bar control. Read/write String.
Note The container application determines whether the value is a valid macro name.
This example adds a command bar control to the command bar named "Custom". The procedure named "MySub" will run each time the control is clicked.
Set myBar = CommandBars("Custom")
Set myControl = myBar.Controls _
With myControl
.FaceId = 2
.OnAction = "MySub"
End With
myBar.Visible = True
This example adds a command bar control to the command bar named "Custom". The COM add in named "FinanceAddIn" will run each time the control is clicked.
Set myBar = CommandBars("Custom")
Set myControl = myBar.Controls _
With myControl
.FaceId = 2
.OnAction = "!<FinanceAddIn>"
End With
myBar.Visible = True