ResolveConflict Method

Microsoft Office Visual Basic

Not all document synchronization problems raise trappable run-time errors. After performing an operation using the Sync object, it's a good idea to check the Status property; if the Status property is msoSyncStatusError, check the ErrorType property for additional information on the type of error that has occurred.


The following example attempts to resolve a conflict by merging changes between the local and the server copies of the active document.

    Dim objSync As Office.Sync
    Dim strStatus As String
    Set objSync = ActiveDocument.Sync
    If objSync.Status = msoSyncStatusConflict Then
        objSync.ResolveConflict msoSyncConflictMerge
        objSync.ResolveConflict msoSyncConflictClientWins
        strStatus = "Conflict resolved by merging changes."
        MsgBox strStatus, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Sync Information"
    End If
    Set objSync = Nothing