Commit Method

Microsoft Office Visual Basic


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The following example prompts the user to select a digital signature with which to sign the active document in Microsoft Word. To use this example, open a document in Word and call this function. The function will test to make sure that the digital signature that the user selects will not expire in less than 12 months. If it will expire, the certificate isn't attached.

Function AddSignature() As Boolean

    On Error GoTo Error_Handler

    Dim sig As Signature

    'Display the dialog box that lets the
    'user select a digital signature.
    'If the user selects a signature, then
    'it is added to the Signatures
    'collection. If the user doesn't, then
    'an error is returned.
    Set sig = ActiveDocument.Signatures.Add

    'Test to make sure that the new Signature object
    'doesn't expire too soon. This expression calculates
    'the number of months until the Signature object expires.
    If DateDiff("m", sig.SignDate, sig.ExpireDate) < 12 Then

        MsgBox "This certificate will expire in less than 1 year." & vbCrLf & _
        "Please use a newer certificate."

        AddSignature = False
        AddSignature = True
    End If

    'Commit all signatures in the SignatureSet collection to the disk.

    Exit Function
    AddSignature = False
    MsgBox "Action cancelled."
End Function