Email Property

Microsoft Office Visual Basic

Email Property

Returns the email name of the specified SharedWorkspaceMember in the format [email protected]. Read-only String.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a SharedWorkspaceMember object.


The following example extracts the email domain name from the Email property of each shared workspace member and lists members who have email addresses at the "" domain.

        Dim swsMember As Office.SharedWorkspaceMember
    Dim strEmailDomain As String
    Dim strMemberList As String
    For Each swsMember In ActiveWorkbook.SharedWorkspace.Members
        strEmailDomain = LCase(Right(swsMember.Email, _
            Len(swsMember.Email) - InStr(swsMember.Email, "@")))
        If strEmailDomain = "" Then
            strMemberList = strMemberList & swsMember.Email & vbCrLf
        End If
    MsgBox strMemberList, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, _
        "Members with Email"
    Set swsMember = Nothing