UserPermission Object
The UserPermission object associates a set of permissions on the active document with a single user and an optional expiration date. Represents a member of the active document's Permission collection.
Using the UserPermission Object
Use the Add method of the Permission object to grant specific permissions on the active document to a new user, with an optional expiration date. Use the Remove method of the UserPermission object to remove a user and the user's permissions.
While some permissions granted through the user interface (such as msoPermissionPrint) apply to all users, you can use the UserPermission object to assign them on a per-user basis with per-user expiration dates.
The following example determines whether the active document has restricted permissions, then lists users and their assigned permissions by returning the UserID, Permission, and ExpirationDate properties of each UserPermission in the document's Permission collection.
Dim irmPermission As Office.Permission
Dim irmUserPerm As Office.UserPermission
Dim strIRMInfo As String
Set irmPermission = ActiveWorkbook.Permission
If irmPermission.Enabled Then
For Each irmUserPerm In irmPermission
strIRMInfo = strIRMInfo & irmUserPerm.UserId & vbCrLf & _
" - Permissions: " & irmUserPerm.Permission & vbCrLf & _
" - Expiration Date: " & irmUserPerm.ExpirationDate & vbCrLf
MsgBox strIRMInfo, _
vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "IRM Information"
MsgBox "This document is not restricted.", _
vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "IRM Information"
End If
Set irmUserPerm = Nothing
Set irmPermission = Nothing