Returns a CommandBarControl object that fits a specified criteria.
expression.FindControl(Type, Id, Tag, Visible, Recursive)
expression Required. An expression that returns a CommandBars object.
Type Optional MsoControlType. The type of control.
MsoControlType type can be one of these MsoControlType constants. |
msoControlActiveX |
msoControlAutoCompleteCombo |
msoControlButton |
msoControlButtonDropdown |
msoControlButtonPopup |
msoControlComboBox |
msoControlCustom |
msoControlDropdown |
msoControlEdit |
msoControlExpandingGrid |
msoControlGauge |
msoControlGenericDropdown |
msoControlGraphicCombo |
msoControlGraphicDropdown |
msoControlGraphicPopup |
msoControlGrid |
msoControlLabel |
msoControlLabelEx |
msoControlOCXDropDown |
msoControlPane |
msoControlPopup |
msoControlSpinner |
msoControlSplitButtonMRUPopup |
msoControlSplitButtonPopup |
msoControlSplitDropdown |
msoControlSplitExpandingGrid |
msoControlWorkPane |
Id Optional Variant. The identifier of the control.
Tag Optional Variant. The tag value of the control.
Visible Optional Variant. True to include only visible command bar controls in the search. The default value is False. Visible command bars include all visible toolbars and any menus that are open at the time the FindControl method is executed.
Recursive Optional Boolean. True to include the command bar and all of its pop-up subtoolbars in the search. This argument only applies to the CommandBar object. The default value is False.
If the CommandBars collection contains two or more controls that fit the search criteria, FindControl returns the first control that's found. If no control that fits the criteria is found, FindControl returns Nothing.
This example finds the first control on the command bar named “Custom”. If the control is a button, the example uses the FindControl method to find the Copy button (on the Standard toolbar) and then copies the face from the Copy button and pastes it onto the control.
Set oldCtrl = CommandBars("Custom").Controls(1)
If oldCtrl.Type = 1 Then
Set newCtrl = CommandBars.FindControl(Type:= _
MsoControlButton, ID:= _
End If