PutUpdate Method

Microsoft Office Visual Basic

Not all document synchronization problems raise trappable run-time errors. After performing an operation using the Sync object, it's a good idea to check the Status property; if the Status property is msoSyncStatusError, check the ErrorType property for additional information on the type of error that has occurred.

In many circumstances, the best way to resolve an error condition is to call the GetUpdate method. For example, if a call to PutUpdate results in an error condition, then a call to GetUpdate will reset the status to msoSyncStatusLocalChanges.


The following example updates the server copy of the document from the local copy using the PutUpdate method if the local copy has been edited.

    Dim objSync As Office.Sync
    Dim strStatus As String
    Set objSync = ActiveDocument.Sync
    If objSync.Status = msoSyncStatusLocalChanges Then
        strStatus = "Local changes saved to server."
        MsgBox strStatus, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Sync Information"
    End If
    Set objSync = Nothing