Change Event

Microsoft Office Visual Basic

Occurs when the end user changes the selection in a command bar combo box.

Private Sub CommandBarComboBox_Change

(ByVal Ctrl As CommandBarComboBox)


The Change event is recognized by the CommandBarComboBox object. To return the Change event for a particular CommandBarComboBox control, use the WithEvents keyword to declare a variable, and then set the variable to the CommandBarComboBox control. When the Change event is triggered, it executes the macro or code that you specified with the OnAction property of the control.


The following example creates a command bar with a CommandBarComboBox control containing four selections. The combo box responds to user interaction through the CommandBarComboBox_Change event.

Private ctlComboBoxHandler As New ComboBoxHandler
Sub AddComboBox()

    Set HostApp = Application
    Dim newBar As Office.CommandBar
    Set newBar = HostApp.CommandBars.Add(Name:="Test CommandBar", Temporary:=True)
    Dim newCombo As Office.CommandBarComboBox
    Set newCombo = newBar.Controls.Add(msoControlComboBox)
    With newCombo
        .AddItem "First Class", 1
        .AddItem "Business Class", 2
        .AddItem "Coach Class", 3
        .AddItem "Standby", 4
        .DropDownLines = 5
        .DropDownWidth = 75
        .ListHeaderCount = 0
    End With
    ctlComboBoxHandler.SyncBox newCombo
    newBar.Visible = True

End Sub

The preceding example relies on the following code, which is stored in a class module in the VBA project.

Private WithEvents ComboBoxEvent As Office.CommandBarComboBox
Public Sub SyncBox(box As Office.CommandBarComboBox)
    Set ComboBoxEvent = box
    If Not box Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Synced " & box.Caption & " ComboBox events."
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Set ComboBoxEvent = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub ComboBoxEvent_Change(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarComboBox)
    Dim stComboText As String
    stComboText = Ctrl.Text
        Select Case stComboText
        Case "First Class"
        Case "Business Class"
        Case "Coach Class"
        Case "Standby"
    End Select

End Sub
Private Sub FirstClass()
    MsgBox "You selected First Class reservations"
End Sub
Private Sub BusinessClass()
    MsgBox "You selected Business Class reservations"
End Sub
Private Sub CoachClass()
    MsgBox "You selected Coach Class reservations"
End Sub
Private Sub Standby()
    MsgBox "You chose to fly standby"
End Sub