Inshaping: include/anyarg.h File Reference


Inshaping  0.1
anyarg.h File Reference

A simple option parser for C++. More...

#include <string> #include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  Option
 Data structure of a program option. More...
class  Anyarg
 Use this class to define program options and parse command line arguments. More...

Detailed Description

A simple option parser for C++.

Li Qibin (
no bug found yet

Anyarg supports both single letter-options (like: -i) and long options (like: –help).

The mixup of short and long options in command line is allowed (like: -v –help).

Options can be given as:

--long value
-c value

where –help, -h, -a, -b are boolean flags, option –long and -c take an argument.

Although options can mix up with non-option arguments, it is a good practice to place options before non-option arguments.

All non-option arugments are collected to a new array in the same order as they are in command line.

Argument – stops the parsing of command line arguments. All the following arguments are treated as non-option arguments.

A single hypen - is parsed as an ordinary non-option arguments. It is usally used to specify input from standard input or output to the standant output.

Assign multiple values to an option is not allowed.

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