Embedded TCP/IP stack: Telnet Server Configuration Parameters


Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.1.0

Detailed Description

This section describes the parameters specific to the Telnet Server.
The user may override and change the default values in the application-specific configuration file fnet_user_config.h.


 Telnet server support: More...
 Maximum number of simultaneous user-session that can be handled by the Telnet server.
Default value is 1.

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 Default Telnet port number (in network byte order).
It can be changed during the Telnet server initialization by the fnet_telnet_init() function.
Default value is FNET_HTONS(23).

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 Echo in the Tenet shell: More...
 Size of the socket RX & TX buffer used by the Telnet server.
Default value is 60.

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 Size of the command-line buffer used by the Telnet Shell.
8 It defines the maximum length of the entered input-command line. Default value is 60.

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