Embedded TCP/IP stack: Benchmark client API


Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.1.0

Detailed Description

The FNET benchmark client/transmitter is used for performance measuring and stress test of TCP and UDP.
After the FNET benchmark client is initialized by calling the fnet_bench_cln_init() function, the user application should call the main service-polling function fnet_service_poll() periodically in background.
The benchmark results will be passed to the fnet_bench_cln_callback_session_end_t callback function, which is set during the benchmark client initialization.
The benchmark client service is released automatically as soon as the benchmark session is finished or an error occurs. Your application may continue to call fnet_service_poll() to handle other services, but this will not have any impact on the benchmark client communication until you initialize the next benchmark fnet_bench_cln_init() again.

For the FNET benchmark client example, refer to the FNET Bench demo source code.
Configuration parameters:

Data Structures

struct  fnet_bench_cln_result
 Benchmark client result passed to the "session end" event handler callback. More...
struct  fnet_bench_cln_params
 Initialization parameters for the fnet_bench_cln_init() function. More...


typedef void * fnet_bench_cln_desc_t
 Benchmark client descriptor. More...
typedef void(* fnet_bench_cln_callback_session_end_t) (fnet_bench_cln_desc_t bench_cln_desc, const struct fnet_bench_cln_result *bench_cln_result, void *cookie)
 Benchmark client event handler callback function prototype, that is called when the benchmark client has finished the benchmarking session. More...


fnet_bench_cln_desc_t fnet_bench_cln_init (struct fnet_bench_cln_params *params)
 Initializes the Benchmark client service and starts the benchmark session. More...
void fnet_bench_cln_release (fnet_bench_cln_desc_t desc)
 Aborts the benchmark session and releases the benchmark client service. More...
fnet_bool_t fnet_bench_cln_is_enabled (fnet_bench_cln_desc_t desc)
 Detects if the Benchmark client service is enabled or disabled. More...

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