Embedded TCP/IP stack: Network Interfaces API


Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.1.0

Detailed Description

The Network Interface API allows an application to control various interface parameters, such as the IP address, the gateway address, the subnet mask, and others.


 Wi-Fi Interface API

Data Structures

struct  fnet_netif_statistics
 Network interface statistics, used by the fnet_netif_get_statistics(). More...
struct  fnet_netif_ip6_addr_info
 Interface IPv6 address information structure. More...
struct  fnet_netif_ip6_prefix
 Interface IPv6 Prefix structure. More...
struct  fnet_netif_ip6_neighbor_cache
 Interface IPv6 Neighbor Cache structure. More...


#define FNET_MAC_ADDR_STR_SIZE   (18)
 Size of the string buffer that will contain null-terminated ASCII string of MAC address, represented by six groups of two hexadecimal digits, separated by colons (:). More...
#define FNET_ETH_MTU   (1500u)
 The largest allowed MTU by Ethernet at the network layer.

. More...

#define FNET_MAC_ADDR_INIT(a, b, c, d, e, f)
 Converts the standard notation a:b:c:d:e:f to fnet_mac_addr_t value. More...
 The maximum length of a network interface name. More...
#define FNET_NETIF_LL_ADDR_COPY(from_addr, to_addr, ll_size)
 Copying Link-layer address. More...
#define FNET_NETIF_LL_ADDR_ARE_EQUAL(a, b, size)
 Check Link-layer address Equality. More...


typedef fnet_uint8_t fnet_mac_addr_t[6]
 Media Access Control (MAC) address type. More...
typedef void * fnet_netif_desc_t
 Network interface descriptor. More...
typedef fnet_uint8_t fnet_netif_ll_addr_t[FNET_NETIF_LL_ADDR_MAX]
 Link-layer address. For example, Ethernet interafce uses the address with size set to 6. More...
typedef struct fnet_netif_ip6_addr_info fnet_netif_ip6_addr_info_t
 Interface IPv6 address information structure. More...
typedef struct fnet_netif_ip6_prefix fnet_netif_ip6_prefix_t
 Interface IPv6 Prefix structure. More...
typedef struct fnet_netif_ip6_neighbor_cache fnet_netif_ip6_neighbor_cache_t
 Interface IPv6 Neighbor Cache structure. More...
typedef void(* fnet_netif_callback_ip4_addr_conflict_t) (fnet_netif_desc_t netif)
 Event handler callback function prototype, that is called when there is an IP address conflict with another system on the network. More...



fnet_char_tfnet_mac_to_str (const fnet_mac_addr_t addr, fnet_char_t *str_mac)
 Converts a 6 byte MAC address into a null terminated string. More...
fnet_return_t fnet_str_to_mac (const fnet_char_t *str_mac, fnet_mac_addr_t addr)
 Converts a null terminated string to a 6 byte MAC address. More...
fnet_netif_desc_t fnet_netif_get_by_name (const fnet_char_t *name)
 Looks for a network interface according to the specified name. More...
fnet_netif_desc_t fnet_netif_get_by_number (fnet_index_t n)
 Looks for a network interface according to its number. More...
fnet_netif_desc_t fnet_netif_get_by_ip4_addr (fnet_ip4_addr_t addr)
 Looks for a network interface according to the specified IPv4 address. More...
void fnet_netif_get_name (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_char_t *name, fnet_size_t name_size)
 Retrieves a name of the specified network interface. More...
void fnet_netif_set_default (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc)
 Assigns the default network interface. More...
fnet_netif_desc_t fnet_netif_get_default (void)
 Retrieves the default network interface. More...
void fnet_netif_set_ip4_addr (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_ip4_addr_t ipaddr, fnet_ip4_addr_t subnet_mask)
 Sets the IPv4 address of the specified network interface. More...
fnet_ip4_addr_t fnet_netif_get_ip4_addr (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc)
 Retrieves an IPv4 address of the specified network interface. More...
void fnet_netif_set_ip4_subnet_mask (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_ip4_addr_t subnet_mask)
 Sets the subnet mask of the specified network interface. More...
fnet_ip4_addr_t fnet_netif_get_ip4_subnet_mask (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc)
 Retrieves a subnet mask of the specified network interface. More...
void fnet_netif_set_ip4_gateway (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_ip4_addr_t gw)
 Sets the gateway IP address of the specified network interface. More...
fnet_ip4_addr_t fnet_netif_get_ip4_gateway (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc)
 Retrieves a gateway IPv4 address of the specified network interface. More...
void fnet_netif_set_ip4_dns (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_ip4_addr_t dns)
 Sets the DNS server IPv4 address of the specified network interface. More...
fnet_ip4_addr_t fnet_netif_get_ip4_dns (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc)
 Retrieves the DNS server IP address of the specified network interface. More...
fnet_return_t fnet_netif_set_hw_addr (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_uint8_t *hw_addr, fnet_size_t hw_addr_size)
 Sets the hardware address of the specified network interface. More...
fnet_return_t fnet_netif_get_hw_addr (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_uint8_t *hw_addr, fnet_size_t hw_addr_size)
 Retrieves a hardware address of the specified network interface. More...
fnet_netif_type_t fnet_netif_get_type (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc)
 Retrieves the type of the specified network interface. More...
fnet_netif_ip_addr_type_t fnet_netif_get_ip4_addr_type (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc)
 Determines the way IPv4 address parameters were obtained. More...
void fnet_netif_set_ip4_addr_type (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_netif_ip_addr_type_t ipaddr_type)
 Sets the way IPv4 address parameters were obtained. More...
fnet_bool_t fnet_netif_is_connected (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc)
 Determines the link status of the network interface. More...
fnet_return_t fnet_netif_get_statistics (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, struct fnet_netif_statistics *statistics)
 Retrieves the network interface statistics. More...
void fnet_netif_set_callback_on_ip4_addr_conflict (fnet_netif_callback_ip4_addr_conflict_t callback)
 Registers the "IPv4 address conflict" event handler. More...
fnet_bool_t fnet_netif_is_ip4_addr_conflict (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc)
 Determines if there is IPv4 address conflict. More...
void fnet_netif_clear_ip4_addr_conflict (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc)
 Clears IPv4 address conflict flag. More...
void fnet_netif_join_ip4_multicast (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_ip4_addr_t multicast_addr)
 Joins the specified network interface to IPv4 multicast group. More...
void fnet_netif_leave_ip4_multicast (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_ip4_addr_t multicast_addr)
 Leaves the specified network interface from IPv4 multicast group. More...
void fnet_netif_join_ip6_multicast (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, const fnet_ip6_addr_t *multicast_addr)
 Joins the specified network interface to IPv6 multicast group. More...
void fnet_netif_leave_ip6_multicast (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_ip6_addr_t *multicast_addr)
 Leaves the specified network interface from IPv6 multicast group. More...
fnet_bool_t fnet_netif_get_ip6_addr (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_index_t n, fnet_netif_ip6_addr_info_t *addr_info)
 Retrieves an IPv6 address of the specified network interface. More...
fnet_bool_t fnet_netif_get_ip6_dns (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_index_t n, fnet_ip6_addr_t *addr_dns)
 Retrieves the n-th DNS IPv6 address of the specified network interface. More...
fnet_return_t fnet_netif_bind_ip6_addr (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, const fnet_ip6_addr_t *addr, fnet_netif_ip_addr_type_t addr_type)
 Binds the IPv6 address to the specified network interface. More...
fnet_return_t fnet_netif_unbind_ip6_addr (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, const fnet_ip6_addr_t *addr)
 Unbinds the IPv6 address from the specified network interface. More...
fnet_bool_t fnet_netif_get_ip6_prefix (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_index_t n, fnet_netif_ip6_prefix_t *ip6_prefix)
 Retrieves the n-th IPv6 prefix of the specified network interface. More...
fnet_bool_t fnet_netif_get_ip6_neighbor_cache (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_index_t n, fnet_netif_ip6_neighbor_cache_t *ip6_neighbor_cache)
 Retrieves the n-th IPv6 neighbor cache entry of the specified network interface. More...
fnet_scope_id_t fnet_netif_get_scope_id (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc)
 Retrieves an Scope ID of the specified network interface. More...
fnet_size_t fnet_netif_get_mtu (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc)
 Retrieves a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the specified network interface. More...
fnet_netif_desc_t fnet_netif_get_by_scope_id (fnet_scope_id_t scope_id)
 Looks for a network interface according to the specified Scope ID. More...
fnet_netif_desc_t fnet_netif_get_by_sockaddr (const struct fnet_sockaddr *addr)
 Looks for a network interface according to the specified socket address. More...
fnet_return_t fnet_netif_init (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc, fnet_uint8_t *hw_addr, fnet_size_t hw_addr_size)
 Initializes network interface and adds it to FNET stack. More...
void fnet_netif_release (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc)
 Releases network interface and removes it from FNET stack. More...
fnet_bool_t fnet_netif_is_initialized (fnet_netif_desc_t netif_desc)
 Determines if the network interface is initialized. More...

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