Embedded TCP/IP stack: Stack Configuration Parameters


Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.1.0
Stack Configuration Parameters

Detailed Description

This section describes the main configuration parameters of the FNET TCP/IP stack.
The user may override and change the default values in the application-specific configuration file fnet_user_config.h.


 IPv6-Specific Configuration Parameters
 IPv4-Specific Configuration Parameters


#define FNET_CFG_ASSET   (0)
 FNET_ASSERT() support: More...
#define FNET_CFG_TCP
 TCP protocol support: More...
#define FNET_CFG_LOOPBACK   (0)
 Loopback interface: More...
#define FNET_CFG_LOOPBACK_NAME   "loop"
 Defines name for the Loopback interface.

. More...

 Local loopback of multicast datagrams: More...
 Local loopback of broadcast datagrams: More...
#define FNET_CFG_LOOPBACK_MTU   (1576U)
 Defines the Maximum Transmission Unit for the Loopback interface. By default, it is set to 1576.

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 Multicast group support: More...
#define FNET_CFG_MULTICAST_MAX   (10u)
 Maximum number of unique multicast memberships may exist at the same time in the whole system.
You may join the same host group address on multiple interfaces. More...
 Maximum number of multicast memberships may exist at the same time per one socket. More...
 Maximum number of entries in the ARP table, by network interface.

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 Period of time after which ARP cache entries are automatically expired (in seconds).
If set to 0, the expiration is disabled (not recommended). Default value is 1200 seconds (20 minutes).

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 Discarding of TCP segments that are received out of order: More...
 TCP "urgent" (out-of-band) data processing: More...
#define FNET_CFG_UDP
 UDP protocol support: More...
 UDP checksum: More...
#define FNET_CFG_RAW
 RAW socket support: More...
 Multi-threading support: More...
#define FNET_CFG_SOCKET_MAX   (12U)
 Maximum number of sockets that can exist at the same time.

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 BSD Socket API names: More...
 "Socket Rx" event handler callback: More...
#define FNET_CFG_SOCKET_TCP_MSS   (0u)
 The default value of the TCP_MSS option (TCP Maximum Segment Size). The TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS) defines the maximum amount of data that a host is willing to accept in a single TCP segment.
This Maximum Segment Size (MSS) announcement is sent from the data receiver to the data sender and says "I can accept TCP segments up to size X". The size (X) may be larger or smaller than the default.
The MSS counts only data octets in the segment, it does not count the TCP header or the IP header.
This option can be set to: More...
#define FNET_CFG_SOCKET_TCP_TX_BUF_SIZE   (2U * 1024U)
 Default maximum size for the TCP send-socket buffer. At runtime, it can be changed by fnet_socket_setopt() using the SO_SNDBUF socket option.

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#define FNET_CFG_SOCKET_TCP_RX_BUF_SIZE   (2U * 1024U)
 Default maximum size for the TCP receive-socket buffer. At runtime, it can be changed by fnet_socket_setopt() using the SO_RCVBUF socket option.

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#define FNET_CFG_SOCKET_UDP_TX_BUF_SIZE   (2U * 1024U)
 Default maximum size for the UDP send-socket buffer. At runtime, it can be changed by fnet_socket_setopt() using the SO_SNDBUF socket option.

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#define FNET_CFG_SOCKET_UDP_RX_BUF_SIZE   (2U * 1024U)
 Default maximum size for the UDP receive-socket buffer. At runtime, it can be changed by fnet_socket_setopt() using the SO_RCVBUF socket option.

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#define FNET_CFG_SOCKET_RAW_TX_BUF_SIZE   (2U * 1024U)
 Default maximum size for the RAW send-socket buffer. At runtime, it can be changed by fnet_socket_setopt() using the SO_SNDBUF socket option.

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#define FNET_CFG_SOCKET_RAW_RX_BUF_SIZE   (2U * 1024U)
 Default maximum size for the RAW receive-socket buffer. At runtime, it can be changed by fnet_socket_setopt() using the SO_RCVBUF socket option.

. More...

#define FNET_CFG_IP_MAX_PACKET   (10U*1024U)
 Maximum size for the IPv4 and IPv6 datagram, the largest allowed value is 65535.
Default value is 10 KB.

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 Automatic timer polling: More...
#define FNET_CFG_ASSERT   (0U)
 FNET assert macro FNET_ASSERT(): More...
 Your own alternate implementation for fnet_memcpy(). More...

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