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Embedded TCP/IP stack
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
Cfnet_arp_entry_info | ARP cache entry information structure |
Cfnet_autoip_params | Initialization parameters for the fnet_autoip_init() function |
Cfnet_bench_cln_params | Initialization parameters for the fnet_bench_cln_init() function |
Cfnet_bench_cln_result | Benchmark client result passed to the "session end" event handler callback |
Cfnet_bench_srv_params | Initialization parameters for the fnet_bench_srv_init() function |
Cfnet_bench_srv_result | Benchmark server result passed to the "session end" event handler callback |
Cfnet_dhcp_cln_options | DHCP options are retrieved from a DHCP server |
Cfnet_dhcp_cln_params | Initialization parameters for the fnet_dhcp_cln_init() function |
Cfnet_dhcp_srv_addr_pool_info_t | Address pool information structure |
Cfnet_dhcp_srv_params | Initialization parameters for the fnet_dhcp_srv_init() function |
Cfnet_dns_params | Initialization parameters for the fnet_dns_init() function |
Cfnet_dns_resolved_addr | Resolved address structure provided by fnet_dns_callback_resolved_t callback function |
Cfnet_fs_dirent | This structure is used by the fnet_fs_finfo() and the fnet_fs_readdir() function to get information about directory entries (files or directories) |
Cfnet_fs_rom_image | FNET ROM file-system image |
Cfnet_fs_rom_node | FNET ROM file-system node. The node represents a file or a directory |
Cfnet_http_auth | HTTP Authentication table |
Cfnet_http_cgi | CGI callback function table |
Cfnet_http_params | Input parameters for fnet_http_init() |
Cfnet_http_post | POST-method callback function table |
Cfnet_http_ssi | SSI callback function table |
Cfnet_http_tls_params | HTTP over TLS (HTTPS) input parameters for fnet_http_init() |
Cfnet_in6_addr | IPv6 address structure |
Cfnet_in_addr | IPv4 address structure |
Cfnet_init_params | Input parameters structure for fnet_init() |
Cfnet_ip6_addr_t | 128-bit IPv6 address type |
Cfnet_ip_mreq | IPv4 multicast group information |
Cfnet_ipv6_mreq | IPv6 multicast group information |
Cfnet_linger | This structure is used for the SO_LINGER option |
Cfnet_link_params | Initialization parameters for the fnet_llmnr_init() function |
Cfnet_llmnr_params | Initialization parameters for the fnet_llmnr_init() function |
Cfnet_mdns_params | Initialization parameters for the fnet_mdns_init() function |
Cfnet_mdns_service | The mDNS Service structure defining application-specific service, advertised by the mDNS server |
Cfnet_mdns_txt_key | TXT key |
Cfnet_mutex_api_t | Mutex API. It should be defined by application if FNET_CFG_MULTITHREADING is enabled |
Cfnet_netif_ip4_addr_t | |
Cfnet_netif_ip6_addr_info | Interface IPv6 address information structure |
Cfnet_netif_ip6_neighbor_cache | Interface IPv6 Neighbor Cache structure |
Cfnet_netif_ip6_prefix | Interface IPv6 Prefix structure |
Cfnet_netif_statistics | Network interface statistics, used by the fnet_netif_get_statistics() |
Cfnet_ping_params | Initialization parameters for the fnet_ping_request() function |
Cfnet_serial_stream | Stream control structure |
Cfnet_shell | Shell main control structure |
Cfnet_shell_command | Shell command control structure |
Cfnet_shell_params | Input parameters for fnet_shell_init() |
Cfnet_sntp_params | Initialization parameters for the fnet_sntp_init() function |
Cfnet_sntp_timestamp_t | SNTP timestamp (RFC4330) is represented as a 64-bit unsigned fixed-point number, in seconds relative to 0h on 1 January 1900. The integer part is in the first 32 bits, and the fraction part in the last 32 bits. The maximum number that can be represented is 4,294,967,295 seconds with a precision of about 232 picoseconds |
Cfnet_sntp_utc_t | Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) type |
Cfnet_sockaddr | Socket address structure |
Cfnet_sockaddr_in | IPv4 Socket address structure |
Cfnet_sockaddr_in6 | IPv6 Socket address structure |
Cfnet_telnet_params | Input parameters for fnet_telnet_init() |
Cfnet_tftp_cln_params | Input parameters for the fnet_tftp_cln_init() function |
Cfnet_tftp_srv_params | Input parameters for the fnet_tftp_srv_init() function |
Cfnet_tls_params | Input parameters structure for fnet_tls_init() |
Cfnet_wifi_access_point_params_t | Wi-Fi access point parameters for fnet_wifi_access_point() |
Cfnet_wifi_connect_params_t | Wi-Fi connection parameters for fnet_wifi_connect() |
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