Embedded TCP/IP stack: HTTP server API


Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.1.0

Detailed Description

The current version of the FNET HTTP Server supports:

  • HTTP/0.9 or HTTP/1.0 protocol responces.
  • GET and POST (enabled by FNET_CFG_HTTP_POST) HTTP requests.
  • Server Side Includes (SSI).
    SSI directives have the following format:
    <!--#command [parameter(s)]-->
  • Common Gateway Interface (CGI).
  • Basic Access Authentication (enabled by FNET_CFG_HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_BASIC).
  • FNET File System Interface.

After the FNET HTTP server is initialized by calling the fnet_http_init() function, the user application should call the main service polling function fnet_service_poll() periodically in background.

For HTTP server usage example, refer to FNET demo application source code.

Configuration parameters:

Data Structures

struct  fnet_http_tls_params
 HTTP over TLS (HTTPS) input parameters for fnet_http_init(). More...
struct  fnet_http_params
 Input parameters for fnet_http_init(). More...
struct  fnet_http_auth
 HTTP Authentication table. More...
struct  fnet_http_cgi
 CGI callback function table. More...
struct  fnet_http_post
 POST-method callback function table. More...
struct  fnet_http_ssi
 SSI callback function table. More...


 The major version number of HTTP protocol supported by the HTTP server. More...
 The minor version number of HTTP protocol supported by the HTTP server. More...
 CGI file extension.
All HTTP requests to the files that have this extension will be handled by the CGI handler.

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#define FNET_HTTP_SSI_EXTENSION   "shtml"
 SSI file extension.
All files that have this extension will be parsed by the SSI parser.

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typedef fnet_int32_t fnet_http_desc_t
 HTTP server descriptor. More...
typedef fnet_int32_t fnet_http_session_t
 HTTP session handle. More...
typedef fnet_return_t(* fnet_http_cgi_handle_t) (fnet_http_session_t session, fnet_char_t *query, fnet_uint32_t *cookie)
 Callback function prototype of the CGI query handler. More...
typedef fnet_size_t(* fnet_http_cgi_send_t) (fnet_uint8_t *buffer, fnet_size_t buffer_size, fnet_bool_t *eof, fnet_uint32_t *cookie)
 Callback function prototype of the CGI response function. More...
typedef fnet_return_t(* fnet_http_post_handle_t) (fnet_http_session_t session, fnet_char_t *query, fnet_uint32_t *cookie)
 Callback function prototype of the POST-method query handler. More...
typedef fnet_return_t(* fnet_http_post_receive_t) (fnet_http_session_t session, fnet_uint8_t *buffer, fnet_size_t buffer_size, fnet_uint32_t *cookie)
 Callback function prototype of the POST-method receive function. More...
typedef fnet_size_t(* fnet_http_post_send_t) (fnet_uint8_t *buffer, fnet_size_t buffer_size, fnet_bool_t *eof, fnet_uint32_t *cookie)
 Callback function prototype of the POST-method response function. More...
typedef fnet_return_t(* fnet_http_ssi_handle_t) (fnet_char_t *query, fnet_uint32_t *cookie)
 Callback function prototype of the SSI parameters handler. More...
typedef fnet_size_t(* fnet_http_ssi_send_t) (fnet_uint8_t *buffer, fnet_size_t buffer_size, fnet_bool_t *eof, fnet_uint32_t *cookie)
 Callback function prototype of the SSI include function. More...



fnet_http_desc_t fnet_http_init (struct fnet_http_params *params)
 Initializes the HTTP Server service. More...
void fnet_http_release (fnet_http_desc_t desc)
 Releases the HTTP Server service. More...
fnet_bool_t fnet_http_is_enabled (fnet_http_desc_t desc)
 Detects if the HTTP Server service is enabled or disabled. More...
void fnet_http_query_unencode (fnet_uint8_t *dest, fnet_uint8_t *src)
 Converts escaped string to an original format. More...
void fnet_http_set_response_status_code (fnet_http_session_t session, fnet_http_status_code_t status_code)
 Sets status code in HTTP response status-line. More...
void fnet_http_set_response_content_length (fnet_http_session_t session, fnet_size_t content_length)
 Sets content length in HTTP response header. More...
void fnet_http_set_response_no_header (fnet_http_session_t session)
 Disables sending of HTTP response status-code and header. More...

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