11.6. The Sheet description


11.6. The Sheet description

You can put several shapes in one sheet: the shapes you create or any other shape or object "belonging" to other sheets.

A simple sheet file may look something as this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <sheet xmlns="http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia/dia-sheet-ns"> <name>Circuit with identifiers</name> <name xml:lang="es">Circuito con identificadores</name> <description>Components for circuit diagrams</description> <description xml:lang="es">Componentes para diagramas de circuitos</description> <contents> <object name="Circuit with identifiers - NPN Transistor"> <description>A bipolar npn transistor</description> <description xml:lang="es">Un transistor bipolar npn identificable</description> </object> <object name="UML - Objet"> <description>An UML object</description> <description xml:lang="es">Un objeto UML</description> </object> </contents> </sheet>