Printer Destination Page (Printer Session Properties Dialog Box)


Printer Destination Page (Printer Session Properties Dialog Box)


To access

Use this page to configure the destination path used to print host jobs.

Printing System

Use Windows Printing—Prints all reports through the Windows Printing subsystem. You can print to any type of printer (for example, PCL and PostScript). In this mode, the program lays out the print job similar to that of a word processor. This mode provides complete control over the format of the report and the font used to print the report. You can select the layout options on the Page Layout Page (Printer Session Properties Dialog Box).

Print Directly to LPT1/LPT2/LPT3—Spools print reports to the device of the same name. This spools the data to the printer port through the operating system. Use these options only in special situations, since error messages such as the Printer Offline and Out of Paper can cause Abort/Retry errors by the operating system.

Print to File—Spools reports to a file. If the file does not exist, the program creates it. All reports are automatically appended to the file. The filename is entered in the Filename Edit box below.

Spool Job Directly—Bypasses the Windows Printing system and spools the data directly to the printer. This option is similar to the Print Directly to LPT1/LPT2/LPT3 option, except that network printers are supported. With this option enabled, you cannot control the layout of the print report since the program spools the report to the printer (after converting it from EBCDIC to ASCII). However, reports are queued in Print Manager (if it is enabled).

Select Printer—Opens the standard Print Setup dialog box, where you select the destination printer when the destination is Windows Printing.

Selected Printer Info—Shows the Print Setup information (read-only). To change it, click Select Printer.

Filename—Specifies the path and name of the file which receives the host print reports when the destination is Print to File.

Defaults—Resets all options to their system default.

Related Topics

General Page (Printer Session Properties Dialog Box)

LU1 Settings Page (Printer Session Properties Dialog Box)

LU3 Settings Page (Printer Session Properties Dialog Box)

Page Layout Page (Printer Session Properties Dialog Box)

Printer Advanced Page (Printer Session Properties Dialog Box)

ASCII/EBCDIC Translation Table Page (Printer Session Properties Dialog Box)

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