HostExplorer Documentation
Mouse, Sound, and Events
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Mouse, Sound, and Events
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Events Folder
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Table of contents
Welcome to HostExplorer
What is HostExplorer?
HostExplorer Applications
Hummingbird FTP
HostExplorer Development Kit
Getting Started
Session Profiles
Overview—Session Profiles
Creating a Session Profile
Using Templates
Managing Session Profiles
Accessing Profile Settings
Saving Session Profiles
Removing the Save Profile on Window Close Function
Organizing Session Profiles
Working with Layouts
Closing a Session
Getting Connected
Connecting to a Host
Host Connections from Hummingbird Neighborhood
Opening Multiple Sessions in the Same Window
Host Connections from the Desktop
Host Connections from the Command Line
Host Connections Using a Modem
Connecting to Available Hosts
3270 Special Connections
Disconnecting from a Host
Changing the Disconnect Action
Securing HostExplorer Connections
Hummingbird Connectivity Kerberos
Overview—Hummingbird Connectivity Kerberos
Kerberos Participants
Ticket-Granting Process
Configuring the Kerberos Client
Connectivity Secure Shell
Overview—Connectivity Secure Shell
Hummingbird Connectivity SSL
Overview—Hummingbird Connectivity SSL
Negotiating SSL/TLS Communication
Initiating SSL/TLS Connectivity
Verifying the Success of SSL/TLS Negotiation
Determining 3270 or 5250 Connection Security
Determining VT Connection Security
Determining a Secure Connection Via the Window Title
Disconnecting if the SSL/TLS Negotiation Fails
Selecting Cipher Suites
Certificate Authorities
Private Certificate Authorities
Hummingbird Certificates and Keys Manager
About Certificates and Keys Manager
Viewing Key Information
Viewing Certificate Information
Generating Private/Public Keypairs
Generating Certificate Requests
Generating Self-Signed Certificates
Modifying Keys and Certificates
Importing and Exporting Keys
Uploading Public Keys
Importing and Exporting Certificates
Importing Certificates
Exporting Certificates
Transferring Files
Overview—Transferring Files
Mainframe Transfers
Transferring Files to a Mainframe
Receiving Files from a Mainframe
AS/400 Transfers
Transferring Files to and from AS/400
VT Transfers
Transferring Files to and from VT
Transferring Files to a VT Host
Receiving Files from a VT Host
Working with Host Data
Editing Host Data
Overview—Editing Host Data
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Text
Dragging Text to a New Location
Enabling Auto Copy
Using Entry Assist and Word Wrap
Creating a Shortcut Scheme
Using Shortcuts
Saving Data to a File
Printing Host Data
Overview—Printing Host Data
Printing Screens
Introducing Report Schemes
Creating a Print Area Report Scheme
Printer Session Profiles
Printing a Keyboard Mapping List
Printing Scrollback Buffer Contents
Printing Using LPR
Sending a Print Job to LPR
Checking a Printer Queue Using LPQ
Configuring a Remote Printer
Configuring HostExplorer Sessions
Overview—HostExplorer Options
Customizing the HostExplorer Environment
User Environment Customization
Creating Customized Session Profiles
Revising the Session Window with Customized Schemes
Creating Schemes
Creating Themes
Creating Custom Menus
Menu Customization
Creating Menu Schemes
Modifying Menu Schemes
Enabling Menu Options
Creating Toolbars
Toolbar Customization
Creating and Moving Toolbars
Displaying and Hiding Toolbars
Adding, Deleting and Moving Buttons
Modifying the Button Caption
Changing the Button Image
Modifying Button Style and Size
Other Toolbar Modifications
Restoring Default Settings
Configuring Profile Options
Session Property Categories
Connection and Security
Terminal, Display, Color, and Font
Keyboard, Hotspots, and Edit
Print, File Transfer, and Session Window
Themes, Toolbar and Menu
Mouse, Sound, and Events
Shortcuts, Track Menu, and Capture
Customizing the User Environment
User Environment Customization
Modifying Font Attributes
Modifying the Cursor
Modifying Session Component Colors
Assigning a Windows Bitmap Pattern
Eliminating the Border between Window and Screen
Specifying Text for the Title Bar
Customizing the Track Menu
Changing the Language
Customizing the User Environment for VT Sessions
User Environment Customization (VT)
Scrollback Buffer
Searching and Disabling the Scrollback Buffer
Compose Sequences
Creating Special Characters
Modifying Screen Dimensions
Changing Character Sets
Setting Tab Stops
Mouse Customization
Remapping Mouse Buttons
Keyboard Customization
Remapping Keys
Reconfiguring an Existing Keyboard
Enabling a Keyboard File
Available Compose Sequences
ISO Latin-1 UPS and DEC Supplemental Set
ISO Latin-1 UPS Set
DEC Supplemental UPS Set
Configuring Global Options and Features
Overview—Configuring Global Options
Automating Sessions
Overview—Automating Sessions
Quick Scripts
Overview—Quick Scripts
Recording Quick Scripts
Running Quick Scripts
Recording, Editing, and Running Macros
Converting Wall Data RUMBA Macros
Converting Attachmate Extra! Macros and Profiles
Creating an Event Scheme
Creating and Deleting Events
Editing Events
Enabling Events
Working with Hotspots
Modifying Hotspots
Displaying Hotspots
Creating Quick-Keys
Loading and Running Quick-Keys
Automating Connections
Creating Connection and Login Shortcuts
Adding and Removing Shortcuts
Running Quick-Keys, Quick Scripts, or Macros at Startup
Automating Login
Overview—Automating Login
Automating Login Using Quick-Keys (3270 and 5250)
Automating Login Using Quick-Keys (VT)
Automating Login Using Quick Scripts
Automating Login Using the Express Logon Feature
Logging Session Activity
Starting a Command Line Trace
HostExplorer Menu Descriptions
System and Session Options
Session Options
Quick-Key System Commands
Command Line Options
Clipboard Format Description
OEM Data Stream Format
Keyboard and Character Options
Supported SCS Control Sequences
Special Characters
Keystroke Mnemonics—3270 and 5250 SendKey Functions
Keystroke Mnemonics—VT SendKey Functions
Keyboard Emulation Tables
TN3270 Keyboard Emulation Tables
TN5250 Keyboard Emulation Tables
Telnet Keyboard Emulation Tables
APL Default Keyboard Table
Linux Keyboard Emulation Tables
Graphic Options
Graphic Configuration Errors
TN3270 Host Graphic Configuration
Mainframe Graphics Configuration
GDDM Error Messages
SAS Error Message
Potential Graphic Problems
Accessibility and Technical Support
General Accessibility
Microsoft Accessibility Options
Technical Support
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