Host Connections Using a Modem


Host Connections Using a Modem

To connect using a modem (VT only):

  1. Open the Open Session dialog box from the Start menu or Hummingbird Neighborhood. Click the Create New Profile button. The New Profile dialog box opens.
  2. In the Profile Name box, type a name for the new profile.
  3. In the Profile Type list, select VT.
  4. In the Connect By list, select Modem.
  5. In the Telephone Number box, type the telephone number of the host to which you want to connect.
  6. Select Connect, and then click OK to close the New Profile dialog box.

When the host logon screen opens, you can log on and start working.

  This procedure assumes that you have installed and configured a modem for the host that you want to call. For modem installation instructions, refer to the Microsoft Windows documentation.

Related Topics

Open Session Dialog Box

Adding and Removing Shortcuts

Connection Folder—Modem Category