5250 Data Transfer Wizard—Host File Setup Page


5250 Data Transfer Wizard—Host File Setup Page

Library/File (Member)—Type a complete path to a library/file (member) on the AS/400. Click Browse to search for one in the Host Files dialog box.

Select—Type a list of fields for the SELECT statement to select table data from the file. The default is * which selects all columns.

Where—Type a WHERE clause for the SELECT statement to place conditions on the selection of records.

Order by—Type an ORDER BY clause for the SELECT statement to sort the returned records.

Group by—Type a GROUP BY clause for the SELECT statement to group returned records.

Having—Type a HAVING clause for the SELECT statement to place conditions on the selection of records.

Join by—Type a JOIN BY clause for the SELECT statement to join together two or more tables in the destination file.

Return Records with Missing Fields—Transfer records that contain missing fields, such as a field containing a NULL value.

SQL Details—Open the SQL Details dialog box, in which you can customize SQL statements that are used during a file transfer session.

  You can use the Execute button to perform a transfer at any stage of the wizard process. The Execute button becomes available when you have provided the minimum information required to perform a transfer.

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SQL Details Dialog Box