Host-Print Transform Page (Printer Session Properties Dialog Box)


Host-Print Transform Page (Printer Session Properties Dialog Box)


To access

Use this page to set the properties of AS/400 print jobs. The AS/400 host formats the data and sends it to the printer using ASCII Transparency.

Host-Print Transform—Transforms printed data into ASCII format using the AS/400 host. You must select this check box to specify the following options:

Printer Model—Specifies the type of PC printer that you want to use. If your printer model is not in the list, select a model that is similar to your printer type.
  Your AS/400 system must be able to recognize the selected printer model for Host-Print Transform to function properly.

Drawer 1—Specifies the size of the paper loaded in drawer 1 of the LAN printer.

Drawer 2—Specifies the size of the paper loaded in drawer 2 of the LAN printer.

Envelope Hopper—Specifies the size of the envelopes loaded in the envelope hopper of the LAN printer.

ASCII Code Page 899—Select this check box if you want your printer to support ASCII code-page-899 symbols.

Customizing Object—Specifies the name of the AS/400 customizing object that contains the information to be used for your printer during a printer session.

Customizing Library—Specifies the name of the AS/400 system library that contains the customizing object.

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