Quick-Key System Commands
3270 5250 VT
There are special System Commands which function only in Quick-Keys. You can use these commands to automate Quick-Key operations.
IPause—Synchronizes AID generating keys. This command causes the Quick-Key to pause until the keyboard is unlocked for up to a five-second interval. This can be useful if you want a Quick-Key to press multiple AID generating keys. This function is only available in TN3270 and TN5250 sessions.
Jump-To-Session—Jumps to any session window directly. The window session short name is entered immediately after the Jump-To-Session command. For example:
- Jump-To-Session "A"
Pause—Pauses for a ½ second interval. Use this command to synchronize with events on the host system.
Password—Types the contents of the Password edit field stored in the session profile. Therefore, you can save a password (encrypted) in a profile and use it without knowing its contents. The program enters the password text only if the current field is a non-display field.
Prompt-Password—Prompts the user for a password. The contents of the password are stored in an internal variable that you can enter in a hidden field using the Password command described in this topic. For example, if you wanted to create a script that logged you into CMS automatically, your Quick-Key may look like this:
- Home Prompt-Password "CMSUSER" Tab Password Enter
This Quick-Key presses the Home key, prompts for the password, enters a user ID called CMSUSER, presses the Tab key, enters the password contents, and presses the Enter key. This function is only available in TN3270 sessions.
Run—Runs an external program directly. The command and options are passed by entering text immediately after the Run command in a Quick-Key. For example:
- Run "notepad.exe C:\\config.sys"
When using the Run command, a text string must follow the Run command. The text string contains the full command name and any command line options. HostExplorer ignores any other commands entered after the string.
Start-Session—Starts a new terminal session. You send the command by entering text immediately after the Start-Session command in a Quick-Key. For example:
- Start-Session "profilename.folder"
When using the Start-Session command, a text string must follow the Start-Session command. The text string contains the profile name followed by its folder. Any other commands entered after the string are ignored.