Printer Advanced Page (Printer Session Properties Dialog Box)


Printer Advanced Page (Printer Session Properties Dialog Box)


To access

Use this page to set advanced printer options.

Printer Initialization String—Defines escape sequences that the program will send to the printer at the beginning of a print report. The string can contain up to 255 characters. This option is available for the Print to LPTx and Print to File destinations.

You can enter Escape and binary codes or use the backslash character (\). Embedded spaces are treated as part of the string. For more information, click here.

Printer Deinitialization String—Defines escape sequences that the program sends to the printer at the end of a print report. See Printer Initialization String.

Flush When End of Job Received—Forces the last page of the report to clear the printer using Service. To print several reports together, like on a line printer (where the beginning of a report prints on the same page as the end of a previous report), clear this option and specify a timeout for flushing the jobs.

Host Print Timeout for Flushing (Seconds)—Specifies timeout when the Flush When End Of Job Received option is cleared. The timeout is the amount of time (in seconds) that the system remains idle before forcing the last page of a report to clear the printer.

Defaults—Resets all options to their system default.

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