


Hotspots are designated text strings or regions on the host screen. Hotspots can occur anywhere on the screen and can contain a preceding and/or trailing blank. Text hotspots can contain intervening blanks, meaning they can consist of more than one word. Region hotspots are rectangular areas that you define.

HostExplorer lets you define hotspot schemes. You can define a scheme and then add however many text and region hotspots you want to that scheme.

Assigning Hotspot Functions

When selected, hotspots execute predefined functions. You can assign hotspots to any action, editing, or character key, and have them execute system commands, macros, Quick-Keys, and Quick Scripts. Hotspots are profile specific. Hotspot schemes can be saved and used in other profiles.

After you have created a hotspot, you can click the hotspot text or region and watch as the predefined action is executed. For example, many electronic mail packages have the PF key legend at the bottom of the screen. The format is usually as follows: PF2:Read, PF3:End, and so on. In the Session Profile dialog box, if the Show Hotspots option in the General category of the Display folder is selected, you can click the PF2 text on the screen to execute the PF2 action automatically.

The following text strings are automatically recognized as hotspots with n representing any digit:

  • Program Function Keys—PFn, PFnn, Fn, Fnn
  • Program Attention Keys—PAn, An

For example, the PF1, PF2, F1, F12, PA1, PA2, A1 text strings are automatically recognized as hotspots.

  The Default hotspot scheme is available only for 3270 and 5250 connections.

Overlapping Hotspots

If hotspots overlap on the session screen, you can define the order in which they are displayed. In the Hotspots Assignment category, the hotspots nearest the top of the current hotspot scheme take precedence over those below. You can manipulate the order at any time.

  Hotspots that do not display because of overlapping cannot be executed.

Related Topics

Hotspots Folder—General Category

Hotspots Folder—Assignments Category