Visible Property

AEC Auto

Visible Property

Specifies whether the object or application is visible.

See Also | Example




AecBaseApplication, AecBlockRef, AecCamera, AecCellLayoutTool, AecClipVol, AecClipVolRes, AecDisplayComponentEntity, AecEntity, AecEntRef, AecGeo, AecGridAssembly, AecLayoutCurve, AecLayoutGrid2D, AecLayoutGrid3D, AecLayoutTool, AecMaskBlockRef, AecMassElement, AecMassGroup, AecMVBlockRef, AecPolygon, AecSlice, AecVolumeLayoutTool
The object this property applies to.


Boolean; read-only
TRUE:  The object or application is visible.
FALSE: The object or application is not visible.


Other factors can also cause an object to be invisible. For example, an object will not be displayed if its layer is off or frozen.

Specifying the application to be invisible allows you to run tasks in the background without having to see the component.