ExpandKey Example

AEC Auto

ExpandKey Example

Sub Example_ExpandKey()

'This example shows how to expand a layer key for the current layer standard

    Dim doc As AecArchBaseDocument
    Dim dbPref As AecArchBaseDatabasePreferences
    Dim cLayerKeyStyles As AecLayerKeyStyles
    Dim layerKeyStyle As AecLayerKeyStyle
    Dim cLayerKeys As AecLayerKeys
    Dim layerKey As AecLayerKey
    Set doc = AecArchBaseApplication.ActiveDocument
    Set cLayerKeyStyles = doc.LayerKeyStyles
    Set dbPref = doc.Preferences
    ' Sets the layer key style to the current layer standard
    Set layerKeyStyle = cLayerKeyStyles.Item(dbPref.LayerStandard)

    MsgBox "Layer Key WALL expands to: " & layerKeyStyle.ExpandKey("WALL"), _
        vbInformation, "Expand Example"

End Sub