AlternateName Example

AEC Auto

AlternateName Example

Sub Example_AlternateName_Add_Aec()

   ' This example list the multi-view block styles in the current
   ' drawing, and allows the user to add an alternate name to each
   ' style (if an alternate name does not already exist).
   ' Use this example with a drawing that contains one or more
   ' multi-view block styles.

    Dim app As New AecBaseApplication
    Dim doc As AecBaseDocument
    Dim mvblockStyles As AecMVBlockStyles
    Dim mvblockStyle As AecMVBlockStyle
    Dim msg As String
    Dim altname As String
    Dim reply As Integer
    app.Init ThisDrawing.Application
    Set doc = app.ActiveDocument

    ' Get the collection of multi-view block styles in the drawing.
    Set mvblockStyles = doc.mvblockStyles
    ' If there are no multi-view block styles defined in the
    ' drawing, alert user and then exit.
    If mvblockStyles.count = 0 Then
       msg = "There are no multi-view block styles in the drawing. "
       MsgBox msg, vbExclamation, "AlternateName Example"
       Exit Sub
    End If

    ' List the name and alternate name of each multi-view block
    ' style in the current drawing. If AlternateName is blank,
    ' allow user to set it.
    For Each mvblockStyle In mvblockStyles
       msg = "MV block style name: " & mvblockStyle.Name & vbCrLf
       altname = mvblockStyle.AlternateName
       If altname = "" Then
          msg = msg & "    There is no alternate name for " & mvblockStyle.Name & vbCrLf & "   Add one at Command prompt?"
          reply = MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo, "Set alternate name at Command prompt?")
          ' Prompt user to enter an alternate name, if they chose
          ' to do so.
          If reply = vbYes Then
              doc.Utility.Prompt list
              altname = doc.Utility.GetString(True, "Alternate name --> ")
              mvblockStyle.AlternateName = altname
          End If
          msg = msg & "    Alternate name: " & mvblockStyle.AlternateName & vbCrLf
          MsgBox msg, vbInformation, "AlternameName Example"
       End If

End Sub