ZOffset Example

AEC Auto

ZOffset Example

Sub Example_ZOffset ()

'This example shows the Zoffset of the first viewblock of a multiviewblock

    Dim obj As Object
    Dim pt As Variant
    Dim blockRef As AecMVBlockRef
    Dim viewBlocks As AecViewBlocks
    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity obj, pt, "Select a Multiview Block"
    If TypeOf obj Is AecMVBlockRef Then
        Set blockRef = obj
        Set viewBlocks = blockRef.viewBlocks
        MsgBox "Zoffset of View Block 1: " & viewBlocks.Item(0).ZOffset, vbInformation, "ZOffset Example"
        MsgBox "Not a Multiview Block", vbInformation, "ZOffset Example"
    End If
End Sub