BasePointNE Example

AEC Auto

BasePointNE Example

Sub Example_BasePointNE()
    ' This example displays the BasePointNE setting for the current drawing.
    Dim dbPref As AecArchBaseDatabasePreferences
    Set dbPref = AecArchBaseApplication.ActiveDocument.Preferences
    Dim varPoint As Variant
    Dim point(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim basePointNE As String
    ' Get the base point
    varPoint = dbPref.basePointNE
    point(0) = varpoint(0)
    point(1) = varpoint(1)
    point(2) = varpoint(2)
    ' Format base point to a string
    basePointNE = Format(point(0)) + ", " + Format(point(1)) + ", " + Format(point(2))
    MsgBox "The current value for BasePointNE is: " & basePointNE, _
        vbInformation, "BasePointNE Example"
End Sub