
AEC Auto


image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image


AdjustSizing Specifies if the size of the anchored object is adjusted to match the size of the grid cell.

AllowLongSymbolNames Determines if symbol names may include extended character sets, or more than 31 characters.

AllowVariation Specifies if the anchored object is allowed to vary.

AlternateName The AlternateName of the Style.

AlwaysImportLayerStandard Specifies whether to always import a newer layer standard.

Angle Specifies the angle of the layout grid.

Angle1 Deviation of cut plane at starting edge where zero is perpendicular to the clip line.

Angle2 Deviation of cut plane at ending edge where zero is perpendicular to the clip Line.

AngleFromNode Specifies the angle from the anchored entity to the node.

AngularAzimuth The format used to display angles.

AngularDisplayFormat Specifies the unit used when angular measurements are displayed.

AngularPrecision Specifies the angular precision for the drawing.

Application Gets the Application object.

ApplyResize Specifies if the anchored object is resized when the layout cell is resized.

Area Gets the area of an object.

AreaDisplayUnit The unit used when area measurements are displayed.

AreaPrecision The precision to which area measurements are displayed.

AreaSuffix The suffix displayed after an area unit in the drawing.


BasePoint Gets and sets the base point for the drawing as an XYZ.

BasePointNE Gets and sets the base point for the drawing as an ENZ.

BayAngle Specifies the bay angle of the layout grid.

BlockBasedLayerOffBehavior Immediate and independent layer on/off control of display components.

Blocks Gets the Blocks collection for the drawing.

BottomOffset Specifies the bottom offset of the anchored object to the grid it is attached to.

Boundary Specifies the boundary object attached to the grid.

Bounds Gets the upper left and lower right corners of the profile.


Cell Specifies the grid cell to anchor the entity to.

CenterOnNode Specifies if the anchored object is centered on the layout node.

Centroid Gets the center of area or mass for a profile shape.

Color Specifies the object's color.

ContourlinesPerSurface Specifies the number of contour lines (isolines) per surface on objects.

CoordinatePrecision Specifies the precision to which coordinate measurements are displayed.

Coordinates Returns the vertices of a ring or profile.

Count Gets the number of items in the collection.

CreateDimscaleOverride Automatically create a dimscale override.


Database Gets the database in which the object belongs.

DatabaseScale Specifies the database scale at which the horizontal axis of the drawing is displayed.

Depth Gets or sets the size of the grid or mass element in its relative Y direction.

Description Gets or sets text describing the AEC Object.

Dictionaries Gets the Dictionaries collection for the document.

DimStyles Gets the DimStyles collection for the document.

DisplaySilhouette Controls if silhouette curves of solid objects are displayed in Wireframe mode.

Document Gets the document (drawing) in which the object belongs.


EdgeWidth Specifies the edge width of the polygon style.

EdgeWidthJustify Specifies whether edges are displayed inside, outside, or centered on the AEC Polygon vertices.

ElevationModelSpace Specifies the elevation setting in the model space.

ElevationPaperSpace Specifies the elevation setting in the paper space.

ElevationPrecision Specifies the precision to which elevation measurements are displayed in the drawing.

EndOffset Specifies the offset distance from the end point of the curve, which may be used to reduce the effective layout curve length.


FacetDeviation Specifies the allowed deviation when facetting curved lines and surfaces.

FacetMaximum Specifies the maximum number of facets used for a circle.

FlipX Determines if the anchored object is flipped about the X axis of the curve it is anchored to.

FlipY Determines if the anchored object is flipped about the Y axis of the curve it is anchored to.

FlipZ Determines if the anchored object is flipped about the Z axis of the curve it is anchored to.


Groups Gets the Groups collection for the document.


Handle Gets the handle of an object.

HasExtensionDictionary Determines if the object has an extension dictionary associated with it.

Height Specifies the height of the object.

Hyperlinks Gets the Hyperlinks collection for an entity.


Index Returns the position of the item within its collection.

InsertionPoint Specifies the insertion point of the profile.

InsideRadius Specifies the inside radius of the layout grid.



Keys Returns the collection of layer keys in a layer key style.


Layer Specifies the layer the object is on.

LayerFile Specifies the name of the file containing default layer standard and key style definitions.

LayerKeyStyle Specifies the layer key style for the object.

LayerKeyStyles Returns the collection of layer key styles in the current drawing.

Layers Gets the Layers collection for the document.

LayerStandard The layer standard to apply to the drawing.

LayoutCurve Provides access to layout curve geometry.

LayoutGrid2D Identifies the 2D layout grid that owns the object.

LayoutGrid3D Identifies the 3D layout grid that owns the object.

Layouts Gets the Layouts collection for the document.

LeaderExtension1 Specifies the first leader extension.

LeaderExtension2 Specifies the second leader extension.

LeftOffset Specifies the left offset for the anchored object.

Limits Specifies the drawing limits.

LinearDisplayFormat Specifies the format used to display linear measurement values.

LinearPrecision Specifies the linear precision for the drawing.

LinearUnit Specifies the unit used to display linear values.

LineType Specifies the linetype of the object.

Linetypes Gets the Linetypes collection for the document.

LinetypeScale Specifies the linetype scale of an entity.

LineWeight Specifies the lineweight of the object.

LineweightDisplay Specifies whether lineweights are displayed in model space for the drawing.

Location Specifies the insertion position of the object.

LowerExtension Specifies the distance of the lower cut plane below the clip volume position.


MaskBlockStyles Returns the collection of mask block styles in the specified drawing document or database.

MassElementStyles Returns the collection of mass element styles in the specified drawing database.

MassGroup Gets or sets the parent mass group of a mass element or mass group.

MassGroupName Specifies the mass group that the mass element or group is currently attached to.

MassGroups Returns the collection of mass groups in a document or database.

MaxActiveViewports Specifies the maximum number of active viewports.

MeasurementUnit Identifies the system of units used to display measurements in the drawing.

ModelSpace Gets the ModelSpace collection for the document.

MVBlockRef Gets or sets a multi-view block reference for a view block or collection of view blocks.

MVBlockStyles Returns the collection of multi-view block styles in the specified document or database.


Name Returns the name of the object.

Node Specifies the layout node the anchor attaches an object to.

Nodes Returns the collection of nodes on the layout curve.

Normal Specifies the normal vector of the AEC object.

NorthRotation Specifies the angle aligned to north within a drawing.


ObjectID Gets the object ID of the object.

ObjectName Gets the AutoCAD class name of the object.

ObjectSortByPlotting Toggles sorting of drawing objects by plotting order.

ObjectSortByPSOutput Toggles sorting of drawing objects by PostScript output order.

ObjectSortByRedraws Toggles sorting of drawing objects by redraw order.

ObjectSortByRegens Toggles sorting of drawing objects by regeneration order.

ObjectSortBySelection Toggles sorting of drawing objects by object selection.

ObjectSortBySnap Toggles sorting of drawing objects by object snap.

Offset Specifies the offset from the layout node.

OLELaunch Determines whether to launch the parent application when plotting OLE objects.

Operation Specifies how objects are combined.

OverridesEnabled Specifies whether layer overrides are applied to the style when a layer is generated from a key.

OverrideSettings Returns the collection of layer key override settings for a layer key style.

OwnerID Gets the object ID of the owner (parent) object.


PaperSpace Gets the PaperSpace collection for the document.

PlotConfigurations Gets the PlotConfigurations collection for the document.

PlotStyleName Specifies the plotstyle name for the object.

Plottable Specifies whether the layer generated from the key is plottable.

PolygonStyles Returns the collection of polygon styles in the specified drawing database.

Preferences Returns the Preferences object for the specified drawing.

Profile Returns or sets the object's profile.

ProfileStyle Specifies the profile style of the mass element.

ProfileStyleName Specifies the name of the mass element's profile style.

ProfileStyles Returns the collection of profiles in the specified drawing database.

ProjectName Specifies the name of the project that the drawing belongs to.



Radius Specifies the radius of curved mass elements.

Reference Specifies the object being anchored to.

RegisteredApplications Gets the RegisteredApplications collection for the document.

Removeable Specifies whether you can remove the layer key from the layer key style.

RenderSmoothness Specifies the smoothness of shaded, rendered, and hidden line-removed objects.

ResizeOffset Specifies the offset of the anchored object to the cell boundary when the cell is resized.

RightOffset Specifies the right offset for the anchored object.

Rings Returns the collection of rings that make up the profile.

Rise Specifies the rise of gabled mass elements.

Rotation Specifies the rotation reference angle for the object.


ScaleOnInsert Specifies whether objects are automatically scaled when inserted into the drawing.

ScaleX Specifies the X direction scale factor of the inserted block or entity.

ScaleY Specifies the Y direction scale factor of the inserted block or entity.

ScaleZ Specifies the Z direction scale factor of the inserted block or entity.

SegmentPerPolyline Specifies the number of line segments to be generated for each polyline curve.

SelfIntersects Determines if the profile is self-intersecting.

Shape Specifies the shape of the layout grid.

Side1 Specifies the length of the cut plane along the starting edge.

Side2 Specifies the length of the cut plane along the ending edge.

SolidFill Specifies if multilines, traces, solids, all hatches (including solid-fill) and wide polylines are filled in.

Spacing Specifies the spacing between nodes or for an individual node on a layout tool.

StartOffset Specifies the offset distance from the start point of the curve, which may be used to reduce the effective layout curve length.

Style Specifies the style of the object.

StyleName Specifies the name of the style that applies to the object.


TextFrameDisplay Toggles the display of frames for text objects instead of displaying the text itself.

TextHeight Specifies the default height of text in the drawing.

TextStyles Gets the TextStyles collection for the document.

TopOffset Specify the top offset for the anchored object.

TrueColor Returns the true color of the object.

Type For layout curves, specifies how nodes are specified along the curve; for mass elements, specifies the shape of the mass element.


UseModelExtents Determines if the height and lower extension are set automatically using model extents.

UseNodeCS Specifies whether to use the coordinate system of the layout node.

UserCoordinateSystems Gets the UCSs collection for the document.


Valid Tests the validity of the object.

Value For layer overrides, specifies the value of the layer key style override; for layout curves, specifies either the spacing between nodes or the number of nodes on the layout curve.

VerticalScale Specifies the scale at which the vertical axis of the drawing is displayed (in Land Development Desktop only).

ViewBlocks Returns the collection of view blocks used for display representations by the multi-view block reference.

Viewports Gets the Viewports collection for the document.

Views Gets the Views collection for the document.

Visible Specifies whether the object or application is visible.

Void Specifies if a ring produces a void in a profile.

Volume Returns the volume of the mass element or mass group.

VolumeDisplayUnit Specifies the units used to display volume measurements.

VolumePrecision Specifies the number of decimal places displayed for volume measurements.

VolumeSuffix The suffix string added when volume measurements are displayed in the drawing.


Width Specifies the width of the object.

WindowState Specifies the state of the application or document window.

WindowTitle Gets the title of the document window.


XCount Specifies the number of nodes along the X direction.

XDistance Specifies the distance along the curve's X axis to the anchored object.

XEndOffset Specifies the offset distance from the end point along the X direction grid curve, which may be used to reduce the grid size.

XNodes Returns the collection of nodes along the X direction of the layout grid.

XOffset Specifies the offset in the X direction of the view block within the multi-view block.

XPositionFrom Specifies the position on the curve from which the XDistance to an anchored object is measured.

XPositionTo Specifies the position on the anchored object to measure XDistance to.

XRefEdit Determines if the current drawing can be edited in place when being referenced by another user.

XRefLayerVisibility Determines the visibility of xref-dependent layers and specifies if nested xref path changes are saved.

XrefOverlaysUseOwnDisplayConfig When used as an Xref Overlay, use this drawing's default display configuration initially.

XRotation Specifies the rotation of the anchored object around the X axis.

XSpacing Specifies the spacing between nodes along the X direction of the layout grid.

XStartOffset Specifies the offset distance from the start point along the X direction grid curve, which may be used to reduce the grid size.

XType Specifies the rule controlling node spacing along the X direction.


YAlignment Specifies the alignment of the anchored object in relation to the baseline of the assembly.

YCount Specifies the number of nodes along the y direction.

YDistance Specifies the distance along the curve's Y axis to the anchored object.

YEndOffset Specifies the offset distance from the end point along the Y direction grid curve, which may be used to reduce the grid size.

YNodes Returns the collection of nodes along the Y direction of the layout grid.

YOffset Specifies the Y offset of the anchored object, or the offset in the Y direction of the view block within the multi-view block.

YPositionFrom Specifies the position on the curve from which the YDistance to an anchored object is measured.

YPositionTo Specifies the position on the anchored object to measure YDistance to.

YRotation Specifies the rotation of the anchored object around the layout node's Y axis.

YSpacing Specifies the spacing between nodes along the Y direction of the layout grid.

YStartOffset Specifies the offset distance from the start point along the Y direction grid curve, which may be used to reduce the grid size.

YType Specifies the rule controlling node spacing along the Y direction.


ZCount Specifies the number of nodes along the Z direction.

ZDistance Specifies the distance above the curve to the anchored object.

ZEndOffset Specifies the offset distance from the end point along the Z direction grid curve, which may be used to reduce the grid size.

ZNodes Returns the collection of nodes along the Z direction of the 3D layout grid.

ZOffset Specifies the offset in the Z direction of the view block within the multi-view block.

Zoom Specifies the focal length of the camera, in millimeters.

ZPositionFrom Specifies the position on the curve from which the ZDistance to an anchored object is measured.

ZPositionTo Specifies the position on the anchored object to measure ZDistance to.

ZRotation Specifies the rotation of the anchored object around the Z axis.

ZSpacing Specifies the spacing between nodes along the Z direction of the layout grid.

ZStartOffset Specifies the offset distance from the start point along the Z direction grid curve, which may be used to reduce the grid size.

ZType Specifies the rule controlling node spacing along the Z direction.