Volume Example

AEC Auto

Volume Example

Sub Example_Volume ()

'This example shows the volume of a mass element or mass group.

    Dim object As Object
    Dim pt As Variant
    Dim mass As AecMassElement
    Dim massGroup As AecMassGroup
    Dim count As Integer
    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity object, pt, "Select Mass Element or Mass Group"
    If TypeOf object Is AecMassGroup Then
        Set massGroup = object
        MsgBox "Mass Group volume = " & Format(massGroup.Volume, "###0.000"), vbInformation, "Volume Example"
        If TypeOf object Is AecMassElement Then
            Set mass = object
            MsgBox "Mass Element volume = " & Format(mass.Volume, "###0.000"), vbInformation, "Volume Example"
            MsgBox "Mass Element or Group not selected.", vbInformation, "Volume Example"
        End If
    End If

End Sub