Item Example

AEC Auto

Item Example

Sub Example_Item()

   ' This example lists the number of keys in the Standard
   ' layer key styles collection, and then lists the name of
   ' each layer key styles collection in the drawing. The example
   ' uses both the string and integer methods of specifying the
   ' index of an Item.
   Dim app As New AecBaseApplication
   Dim doc As AecBaseDocument
   Dim layerkeystyles As AecLayerKeyStyles
   Dim keystyle As AecLayerKeyStyle
   Dim msg As String
   app.Init ThisDrawing.Application
   Set doc = app.ActiveDocument
   ' Get the drawing's collection of layer key styles.
   Set layerkeystyles = doc.layerkeystyles
   msg = "Number of Layer Key Styles in this drawing is: " & layerkeystyles.Count & vbCrLf
   ' Get the standard layer key style, if it exists (it should!)
   On Error Resume Next
   Set keystyle = layerkeystyles.Item("Standard")
   ' List the number of keys in the Standard layer key style.
   If Err Then
       msg = msg & "Standard layer key style does not exist in this drawing"
       msg = "Standard layer key style contains " & keystyle.Keys.Count & " keys." & vbCrLf
   End If
   On Error GoTo 0
   ' Loop through the layer key styles collection, listing the name
   ' of each layer key style in the collection.
   msg = msg & vbCrLf & "The layer key styles in this drawing are:" & vbCrLf
   For i = 0 To (layerkeystyles.Count - 1)
      msg = msg & "   " & layerkeystyles.Item(i).Name & vbCrLf
   MsgBox msg, vbInformation, "Item Example"

End Sub