HasExtensionDictionary property [AEC Base Automation Reference: AecXBase]

AEC Auto

HasExtensionDictionary Property

Determines if the object has an extension dictionary associated with it.

See Also | Example




AecAnchor, AecAnchorEntToCurve, AecAnchorEntToGridAssembly, AecAnchorEntToLayoutCell, AecAnchorEntToLayoutNode, AecAnchorEntToLayoutVolume, AecAnchorExtendedTagToEnt AecAnchorLeadEntToNode, AecAnchorToRef, AecBlockRef, AecCamera, AecCellLayoutTool, AecClipVol, AecClipVolRes, AecDictionary, AecDictRecord, AecEntity, AecEntRef, AecGeo, AecGridAssembly, AecLayerKeyStyle, AecLayerKeyStyles, AecLayoutCurve, AecLayoutGrid2D, AecLayoutGrid3D, AecLayoutTool, AecMaskBlockRef, AecMaskBlockStyle, AecMaskBlockStyles, AecMassElement, AecMassGroup, AecMVBlockRef, AecMVBlockStyle, AecMVBlockStyles, AecObject, AecPolygon, AecPolygonStyle, AecPolygonStyles, AecProfileStyle, AecProfileStyles, AecSlice, AecVolumeLayoutTool
The object or objects this property applies to.


Boolean; read-only

TRUE: The object has an extension dictionary associated with it.

FALSE: The object does not have an extension dictionary associated with it.


You can create an extension dictionary for an object, or query an existing extension dictionary by using the GetExtensionDictionary method.