Value Example

AEC Auto

Value Example


l AecLayerOverrideSetting

l AecLayoutCurve

Sub Example_Value_AecLayerOverrideSetting()

'This example shows the name of the owner of the override setting

    Dim db As New AecBaseDatabase
    Dim setting As AecLayerOverrideSetting
    db.Init ThisDrawing.Database
    Set setting = db.LayerKeyStyles.Item(0).overrideSettings.Item(0)
    MsgBox "Setting Value: " & setting.Value, vbInformation, "Value Example"

End Sub

Sub Example_Value_AecLayoutCurve()

  'This examples show either the bay spacing or the number of nodes on the layout curve
  Dim obj As Object
  Dim pt As Variant
  Dim layoutCurve As AecLayoutCurve
  Dim str As String
  ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity obj, pt, "Select a Node on an AEC Layout Curve"
  If TypeOf obj Is AecLayoutCurve Then
      Set layoutCurve = obj
      Select Case layoutCurve.Type
        Case aecLayoutTypeAutoSpacingBay
            str = "Bay spacing = " & layoutCurve.Value
        Case aecLayoutTypeAutoSpacingEven
            str = "Number of even spaces = " & layoutCurve.Value
        Case aecLayoutTypeManualSpacing
            str = "Manual Spacing"
      End Select

      MsgBox str, vbInformation, "Value Example"
      MsgBox "Not a AEC Layout Curve", vbExclamation, "Value Example"
  End If

End Sub