Highlight method [AEC base objects]

AEC Auto

Highlight Method

Sets the highlight status for the given object, or for all objects in a given selection set.

See Also | Example


object.Highlight HighlightFlag


AecBlockRef, AecCamera, AecCellLayoutTool, AecClipVol, AecClipVolRes, AecEntity, AecEntRef, AecGeo, AecGridAssembly, AecLayoutCurve, AecLayoutGrid2D, AecLayoutGrid3D, AecLayoutTool, AecMaskBlockRef, AecMassElement, AecMassGroup, AecMVBlockRef, AecPolygon, AecSlice, AecVolumeLayoutTool
The object or objects this method applies to.


Boolean; input-only

TRUE: The object is highlighted.

FALSE: The existing highlight is removed from the object.


Once the highlight flag for an object has been set, a call to the Update or Regen method is required to view the change.

Note that this function does not return the current highlight status of an object.