
AEC Auto


Aec2dSection AEC 2D section object.

AecAnchor Base class for all AEC anchor objects.

AecAnchorEntToCurve Binds one AEC object to another AEC or AutoCAD object, such as a roof, wall, line, or arc.

AecAnchorEntToGridAssembly Attaches entity objects, such as doors and windows, to grid assemblies, such as curtain walls and window assemblies.

AecAnchorEntToLayoutCell Attaches objects, such as light fixtures, to cells on a 2D layout grid.

AecAnchorEntToLayoutNode Attaches objects, such as columns, to nodes on a layout grid.

AecAnchorEntToLayoutVolume Attaches objects, such as furniture, to volumes on a 3D layout grid.

AecAnchorLeadEntToNode Connects an object to a layout node with a leader between the two objects.

AecAnchorToRef Base class for referencing objects from an anchor.

AecBaseApplication Application object extending AcadApplication to provide support for AEC Applications.

AecBaseDatabase AEC database object extending AcadDatabase to provide support for general AEC objects.

AecBaseDatabasePreferences A derivative of AecDatabasePreferences, providing base desktop database preferences support.

AecBaseDocument An AEC drawing object, extending the AcadDocument to provide support for general AEC objects.

AecBaseDocuments The collection of all AEC drawings open in the current session.

AecBasePreferences AEC AutoCAD preferences object.

AecBlockRef An instance of an AEC block in a drawing.

AecCamera AEC camera object.

AecCellLayoutTool Base Class for the layout grid objects.

AecClipVol Clip Volume entity defining an extruded region for clipping.

AecClipVolRes Clip Volume Result which captures the resulting graphics for a section or elevation for insertion into the drawing.

AecDatabase AEC Database object extending the Acad Database object.

AecDatabasePreferences Extends the AutoCAD Database Preferences object to include AEC properties and methods.

AecDictionary AEC Dictionary containing a collection of AEC objects.

AecDictRecord An AEC Dictionary item.

AecEditInPlaceProfile In-place edit profile object.

AecEntity Base class for all AEC entities.

AecEntRef A reference to any entity in the drawing, similar to a block reference.

AecGeo Provides location, rotation and anchoring capabilities for AEC entities.

AecGridAssembly Base class for grid assemblies.

AecLayerKey Layer key definition, which specifies the layer properties generated from a particular key.

AecLayerKeys The collection of layer key definitions in a layer key style.

AecLayerKeyStyle A collection of layer keys.

AecLayerKeyStyles The collection of layer key styles in the specified drawing.

AecLayerOverrideSetting A layer key style override setting.

AecLayerOverrideSettings The collection of override settings in a layer key style.

AecLayoutCurve A single dimensional grid with nodes along a single curve.

AecLayoutCurveNode A node in a layout curve.

AecLayoutCurveNodes The collection of nodes in a layout curve.

AecLayoutGrid2D Layout grid entity used to layout any AEC object within a 2D grid.

AecLayoutGrid2DNode A node in a 2D layout grid.

AecLayoutGrid2DNodes The collection of nodes in a 2D layout grid.

AecLayoutGrid2DXNode A node along the X axis of a 2D layout grid.

AecLayoutGrid2DXNodes Collection of nodes along the X axis of a 2D layout grid.

AecLayoutGrid2DYNode A node along the Y axis of a 2D layout grid.

AecLayoutGrid2DYNodes Collection of nodes along the Y axis of a 2D layout grid.

AecLayoutGrid3D A layout volume for arranging objects in a 3D grid.

AecLayoutGrid3DNode A node of a 3D Layout Grid.

AecLayoutGrid3DNodes The collection of nodes in a 3D layout grid.

AecLayoutGrid3DXNode A node along the X axis of a layout volume.

AecLayoutGrid3DXNodes Collection of nodes along the X axis of a layout volume.

AecLayoutGrid3DYNode A node along the Y axis of a layout volume.

AecLayoutGrid3DYNodes Collection of nodes along the Y axis of a layout volume.

AecLayoutGrid3DZNode A node along the Z axis of a layout volume.

AecLayoutGrid3DZNodes Collection of nodes along the Z axis of a layout volume.

AecLayoutNode Provides common properties shared by all types of layout nodes.

AecLayoutNodes Collection of layout nodes.

AecLayoutTool Provides common functionality for layout curve and layout grid objects.

AecMaskBlockRef An instance of a mask block, a two-dimensional block that covers part of an AEC object in a plan (2D) view.

AecMaskBlockStyle Defines the properties of a mask block object.

AecMaskBlockStyles The collection of mask block styles in the specified drawing.

AecMassElement An object that has behaviors based on its shape.

AecMassElementStyle Defines the properties of a mass element object.

AecMassElementStyles The collection of mass element styles in the specified drawing.

AecMassGroup A group of mass elements combined to form a complex shape.

AecMassGroups The collection of mass groups in the specified drawing.

AecMVBlockRef An instance of a block that can have different representations in different view directions.

AecMVBlockStyle Defines the properties of a multi-view block object.

AecMVBlockStyles The collection of multi-view block styles in the specified drawing.

AecObject Provides common functionality for AEC database objects.

AecPolygon An Aec Polygon object.

AecPolygonStyle Defines the properties of an Aec Polygon object.

AecPolygonStyles The collection of Aec Polygon styles in the specified drawing.

AecProfile Defines the properties of a profile style.

AecProfileStyle A custom shape defined by two-dimensional closed polylines.

AecProfileStyles The collection of profile styles in the specified drawing.

AecRing A closed loop of polyline segments, often used as a group inside an AecProfile object.

AecRings The collection of rings in an AecProfile object.

AecSlice Slice of a massing group or any AEC object, typically used to generate floor plates and space boundaries.

AecViewBlock View block used for display representations by a multi-view block.

AecViewBlocks A collection of view blocks used for display representations by a multi-view block.

AecVolumeLayoutTool Provides standard functionality for all 3D layout tools.