FlipX Example

AEC Auto

FlipX Example

Sub Example_FlipX()
    ' This example will flip an object that uses an AecAnchorEntToCurve about the curve's X axis.

    Dim obj As AcadObject
    Dim pnt As Variant
    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity obj, pnt, vbCrLf & "Select a Geo anchored to a Curve"

    If TypeOf obj Is AecGeo Then
    Dim geo As AecGeo
    Set geo = obj
    Dim anchor As AecAnchor
    Set anchor = geo.GetAnchor
    If TypeOf anchor Is AecAnchorEntToCurve Then
            Dim curveAnchor As AecAnchorEntToCurve
            Set curveAnchor = anchor
            If curveAnchor.FlipX Then
                MsgBox "FlipX is True", vbInformation, "FlipX Example"
                MsgBox "FlipX is False", vbInformation, "FlipX Example"
            End If
            ' The following line will flip the current anchor
            curveAnchor.FlipX = Not curveAnchor.FlipX
            MsgBox "Anchor not of type AecAnchorEntToCurve", vbExclamation, "FlipX Example"
        End If
        MsgBox "Not an AecGeo Object", vbExclamation, "FlipX Example"
    End If

End Sub