WebSelectionType Property

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

WebSelectionType Property


Returns or sets a value that determines whether an entire Web page, all tables on the Web page, or only specific tables on the Web page are imported into a query table. Read/write XlWebSelectionType.

XlWebSelectionType can be one of these XlWebSelectionType constants.
xlAllTables default.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


Use this property only when the query table’s QueryType property is set to xlWebQuery and the query returns an HTML document.

If the value of this property is xlSpecifiedTables, you can use the WebTables property to specify the tables to be imported.


This example adds a new Web query table to the first worksheet in the first workbook and then imports data from the first and second tables in the Web page.

Set shFirstQtr = Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1) 
Set qtQtrResults = shFirstQtr.QueryTables _
    .Add(Connection := "URL;http://datasvr/98q1/19980331.htm", _
        Destination := shFirstQtr.Cells(1,1))
With qtQtrResults
    .WebFormatting = xlNone
    .WebSelectionType = xlSpecifiedTables
    .WebTables = "1,2"
End With