OpenDatabase Method

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

OpenDatabase Method


Returns a Workbook object representing a database.

expression.OpenDatabase(FileName, CommandText, CommandType, BackgroundQuery, ImportDataAs)

expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

FileName  Required String. The connection string.

CommandText  Optional Variant. The command text of the query.

CommandType  Optional Variant. The command type of the query. The following command types are available: Default, SQL, and Table.

BackgroundQuery  Optional Variant. The background of the query.

ImportDataAs  Optional Variant. Determines the format of the query.


In this example, Microsoft Excel opens the "northwind.mdb" file. This example assumes a file called "northwind.mdb file" exists on the C:\ drive.

Sub UseOpenDatabase()

    ' Open the Northwind database.
    Workbooks.OpenDatabase _

End Sub