Watches Collection
A collection of all the Watch objects in a specified application.
Using the Watches collection
Use the Watches property of the Application object to return a Watches collection.
In the following example, Microsoft Excel creates a new Watch object using the Add method. This example creates a summation formula in cell A3, and then adds this cell to the watch facility.
Sub AddWatch()
With Application
.Range("A1").Formula = 1
.Range("A2").Formula = 2
.Range("A3").Formula = "=Sum(A1:A2)"
.Watches.Add Source:=ActiveCell
End With
End Sub
You can specify to remove individual cells from the watch facility by using the Delete method of the Watches collection. This example deletes cell A3 on worksheet 1 of book 1 from the Watch Window. This example assumes you have added the cell A3 on sheet 1 of book 1 (using the previous example to add a Watch object).
Sub DeleteAWatch()
End Sub
You can also specify to remove all cells from the Watch Window, by using the Delete method of the Watches collection. This example deletes all cells from the Watch Window.
Sub DeleteAllWatches()
End Sub