AutoShapeType Property
Returns or sets the shape type for the specified Shape or ShapeRange object, which must represent an AutoShape other than a line, freeform drawing, or connector. Read/write MsoAutoShapeType.
Note When you change the type of a shape, the shape retains its size, color, and other attributes.
MsoAutoShapeType can be one of these MsoAutoShapeType constants. |
msoShape24pointStar |
msoShape4pointStar |
msoShape8pointStar |
msoShapeActionButtonBeginning |
msoShapeActionButtonDocument |
msoShapeActionButtonForwardorNext |
msoShapeActionButtonHome |
msoShapeActionButtonMovie |
msoShapeActionButtonSound |
msoShapeBalloon |
msoShapeBentUpArrow |
msoShapeBlockArc |
msoShapeChevron |
msoShapeCloudCallout |
msoShapeCube |
msoShapeCurvedDownRibbon |
msoShapeCurvedRightArrow |
msoShapeCurvedUpRibbon |
msoShapeDonut |
msoShapeDoubleBracket |
msoShapeDownArrow |
msoShapeDownRibbon |
msoShapeExplosion2 |
msoShapeFlowchartCard |
msoShapeFlowchartConnector |
msoShapeFlowchartDecision |
msoShapeFlowchartDirectAccessStorage |
msoShapeFlowchartDisplay |
msoShapeFlowchartDocument |
msoShapeFlowchartExtract |
msoShapeFlowchartInternalStorage |
msoShapeFlowchartMagneticDisk |
msoShapeFlowchartManualInput |
msoShapeFlowchartManualOperation |
msoShapeFlowchartMerge |
msoShapeFlowchartMultidocument |
msoShapeFlowchartOffpageConnector |
msoShapeFlowchartOr |
msoShapeFlowchartPredefinedProcess |
msoShapeFlowchartPreparation |
msoShapeFlowchartProcess |
msoShapeFlowchartPunchedTape |
msoShapeFlowchartSequentialAccessStorage |
msoShapeFlowchartSort |
msoShapeFlowchartStoredData |
msoShapeFlowchartSummingJunction |
msoShapeFlowchartTerminator |
msoShapeFoldedCorner |
msoShapeHeart |
msoShapeHexagon |
msoShapeHorizontalScroll |
msoShapeIsoscelesTriangle |
msoShapeLeftArrow |
msoShapeLeftArrowCallout |
msoShapeLeftBrace |
msoShapeLeftBracket |
msoShapeLeftRightArrow |
msoShapeLeftRightArrowCallout |
msoShapeLeftRightUpArrow |
msoShapeLeftUpArrow |
msoShapeLightningBolt |
msoShapeLineCallout1 |
msoShapeLineCallout1AccentBar |
msoShapeLineCallout1BorderandAccentBar |
msoShapeLineCallout1NoBorder |
msoShapeLineCallout2 |
msoShapeLineCallout2AccentBar |
msoShapeLineCallout2BorderandAccentBar |
msoShapeLineCallout2NoBorder |
msoShapeLineCallout3 |
msoShapeLineCallout3AccentBar |
msoShapeLineCallout3BorderandAccentBar |
msoShapeLineCallout3NoBorder |
msoShapeLineCallout4 |
msoShapeLineCallout4AccentBar |
msoShapeLineCallout4BorderandAccentBar |
msoShapeLineCallout4NoBorder |
msoShapeMixed |
msoShapeMoon |
msoShapeNoSymbol |
msoShapeNotchedRightArrow |
msoShapeNotPrimitive |
msoShapeOctagon |
msoShapeOval |
msoShapeOvalCallout |
msoShapeParallelogram |
msoShapePentagon |
msoShapePlaque |
msoShapeQuadArrowCallout |
msoShapeRectangularCallout |
msoShapeRightArrow |
msoShapeRightBrace |
msoShapeRightTriangle |
msoShapeRoundedRectangularCallout |
msoShapeStripedRightArrow |
msoShapeTrapezoid |
msoShapeUpArrowCallout |
msoShapeUpDownArrowCallout |
msoShapeUTurnArrow |
msoShapeWave |
msoShape16pointStar |
msoShape32pointStar |
msoShape5pointStar |
msoShapeActionButtonBackorPrevious |
msoShapeActionButtonCustom |
msoShapeActionButtonEnd |
msoShapeActionButtonHelp |
msoShapeActionButtonInformation |
msoShapeActionButtonReturn |
msoShapeArc |
msoShapeBentArrow |
msoShapeBevel |
msoShapeCan |
msoShapeCircularArrow |
msoShapeCross |
msoShapeCurvedDownArrow |
msoShapeCurvedLeftArrow |
msoShapeCurvedUpArrow |
msoShapeDiamond |
msoShapeDoubleBrace |
msoShapeDoubleWave |
msoShapeDownArrowCallout |
msoShapeExplosion1 |
msoShapeFlowchartAlternateProcess |
msoShapeFlowchartCollate |
msoShapeFlowchartData |
msoShapeFlowchartDelay |
msoShapeQuadArrow |
msoShapeRectangle |
msoShapeRegularPentagon |
msoShapeRightArrowCallout |
msoShapeRightBracket |
msoShapeRoundedRectangle |
msoShapeSmileyFace |
msoShapeSun |
msoShapeUpArrow |
msoShapeUpDownArrow |
msoShapeUpRibbon |
msoShapeVerticalScroll |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.
Use the Type property of the ConnectorFormat object to set or return the connector type.
This example replaces all 16-point stars with 32-point stars in myDocument
Set myDocument = Worksheets(1)
For Each s In myDocument.Shapes
If s.AutoShapeType = msoShape16pointStar Then
s.AutoShapeType = msoShape32pointStar
End If