Graphic Object

Contains properties that apply to header and footer picture objects.
Using the Graphic object
There are several properties of the PageSetup object that return the Graphic object.
Use the CenterFooterPicture, CenterHeaderPicture, LeftFooterPicture, LeftHeaderPicture, RightFooterPicture, or RightHeaderPicture properties to return a Graphic object.
The following example adds a picture titled: Sample.jpg from the C:\ drive to the left section of the footer. This example assumes that a file called Sample.jpg exists on the C:\ drive.
Sub InsertPicture()
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooterPicture
.FileName = "C:\Sample.jpg"
.Height = 275.25
.Width = 463.5
.Brightness = 0.36
.ColorType = msoPictureGrayscale
.Contrast = 0.39
.CropBottom = -14.4
.CropLeft = -28.8
.CropRight = -14.4
.CropTop = 21.6
End With
' Enable the image to show up in the left footer.
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = "&G"
End Sub
Note It is required that "&G" is a part of the LeftFooter string in order for the image to show up in the left footer.