ChangeLink Method

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

ChangeLink Method


Changes a link from one document to another.

expression.ChangeLink(Name, NewName, Type)

expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

Name  Required String.  The name of the Microsoft Excel or DDE/OLE link to be changed, as it was returned from the LinkSources method.

NewName  Required String.  The new name of the link.

Type  Optional XlLinkType.  The link type.

XlLinkType can be one of these XlLinkType constants.
xlLinkTypeExcelLinks default
xlLinkTypeOLELinks. Use for both DDE and OLE links.


This example changes a Microsoft Excel link.

ActiveWorkbook.ChangeLink "c:\excel\book1.xls", _
    "c:\excel\book2.xls", xlExcelLinks