AddConnector Method

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

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AddConnector Method


Creates a connector. Returns a Shape object that represents the new connector. When a connector is added, it's not connected to anything. Use the BeginConnect and EndConnect methods to attach the beginning and end of a connector to other shapes in the document.

expression.AddConnector(Type, BeginX, BeginY, EndX, EndY)

expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

Type  Required MsoConnectorType. The connector type to add.

MsoConnectorType can be one of these MsoConnectorType constants.

BeginX  Required Single. The horizontal position (in points) of the connector's starting point relative to the upper-left corner of the document.

BeginY  Required Single. The vertical position (in points) of the connector's starting point relative to the upper-left corner of the document.

EndX  Required Single. The horizontal position (in points) of the connector's end point relative to the upper-left corner of the document.

EndY  Required Single. The veritcal position (in points) of the connector's end point relative to the upper-left corner of the document.


When you attach a connector to a shape, the size and position of the connector are automatically adjusted, if necessary. Therefore, if you’re going to attach a connector to other shapes, the position and dimensions you specify when adding the connector are irrelevant.


The following example adds a curved connector to a new canvas in a new worksheet.

Sub AddCanvasConnector()

    Dim wksNew As Worksheet
    Dim shpCanvas As Shape

    Set wksNew = Worksheets.Add

    'Add drawing canvas to new worksheet
    Set shpCanvas = wksNew.Shapes.AddCanvas( _
        Left:=150, Top:=150, Width:=200, Height:=300)

    'Add connector to the drawing canvas
    shpCanvas.CanvasItems.AddConnector _
        Type:=msoConnectorStraight, BeginX:=150, _
        BeginY:=150, EndX:=200, EndY:=200

End Sub