SetEditingType Method

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

SetEditingType Method


Sets the editing type of the node specified by Index. If the node is a control point for a curved segment, this method sets the editing type of the node adjacent to it that joins two segments. Note that, depending on the editing type, this method may affect the position of adjacent nodes.

expression.SetEditingType(Index, EditingType)

expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

Index  Required Integer.  The node whose editing type is to be set.

EditingType  Required MsoEditingType.  The editing property of the vertex.

MsoEditingType can be one of these MsoEditingType constants.


This example changes all corner nodes to smooth nodes in shape three on myDocument. Shape three must be a freeform drawing.

Set myDocument = Worksheets(1)
With myDocument.Shapes(3).Nodes
    For n = 1 to .Count
        If .Item(n).EditingType = msoEditingCorner Then
            .SetEditingType n, msoEditingSmooth
        End If
End With