IndicatorColorIndex Property

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

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IndicatorColorIndex Property


Returns or sets the color of the indicator for error checking options. Read/write XlColorIndex.

XlColorIndex can be one of these XlColorIndex constants.
xlColorIndexAutomatic  The default system color.
xlColorIndexNone  Not used with this property.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


You can specify a particular color for the indicator by entering the corresponding index value. You can use the Colors property to return the current color palette.

The following illustration shows the color-index values in the default color palette.

Color index values in default color palette


In the following example, Microsoft Excel checks to see if the indicator color for error checking is set to the default system color and notifies the user accordingly.

Sub CheckIndexColor()

    If Application.ErrorCheckingOptions.IndicatorColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic Then
        MsgBox "Your indicator color for error checking is set to the default system color."
        MsgBox "Your indicator color for error checking is not set to the default system color."
    End If

End Sub