RangeFromPoint Method

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

RangeFromPoint Method


Returns the Shape or Range object that is positioned at the specified pair of screen coordinates. If there isn’t a shape located at the specified coordinates, this method returns Nothing.

expression.RangeFromPoint(x, y)

expression   An expression that returns a Window object.

x   Required Long. The value (in pixels) that represents the horizontal distance from the left edge of the screen, starting at the top.

y   Required Long. The value (in pixels) that represents the vertical distance from the top of the screen, starting on the left.


This example returns the alternative text for the shape immediately below the mouse pointer if the shape is a chart, line, or picture.

Private Function AltText(ByVal intMouseX As Integer, _
        ByVal intMouseY as Integer) As String
    Set objShape = ActiveWindow.RangeFromPoint _
        (x:=intMouseX, y:=intMouseY)
    If Not objShape Is Nothing Then
        With objShape
            Select Case .Type
                Case msoChart, msoLine, msoPicture:
                    AltText = .AlternativeText
                Case Else:
                    AltText = ""
            End Select
        End With
        AltText = ""
    End If
End Function