AddNode Method

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

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AddNode Method


AddNode method as it applies to the DiagramNodeChildren object.

Creates a diagram node. Returns a DiagramNode object that represents the new node.

expression.AddNode(Index, nodeType)

expression   Required. An expression that returns a DiagramNodeChildren object

Index  Optional Variant. The position of the node.

nodeType  Optional MsoDiagramNodeType. The type of node.

MsoDiagramNodeType can be one of these MsoDiagramNodeType constants.
msoDiagramNode default

AddNode method as it applies to the DiagramNode object.

Creates a diagram node. Returns a DiagramNode object that represents the new node. DiagramNode object.

expression.AddNode(pos, nodeType)

expression   Required. An expression that returns a DiagramNode object.

pos  Optional MsoRelativeNodePosition. Where the node will be added, relative to another node.

MsoRelativeNodePosition can be one of these MsoRelativeNodePosition constants.
msoAfterNode default

nodeType  Optional MsoDiagramNodeType. The type of node.

MsoDiagramNodeType can be one of these MsoDiagramNodeType constants.
msoDiagramNode default


This example adds a node to a diagram node on the active sheet.

Sub DiagramNodeOBJ()

        Dim nodDiagNode As DiagramNode
        Dim shDiagram As Shape

        Set shDiagram = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddDiagram _
            (Type:=msoDiagramOrgChart, _
            Left:=10, _
            Top:=15, _
            Width:=400, _

        Set nodDiagNode = shDiagram.DiagramNode

        'Add a root node to the diagram.

End Sub