MarkerStyle Property

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

MarkerStyle Property


Returns or sets the marker style for a point or series in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart. Read/write XlMarkerStyle.

XlMarkerStyle can be one of these XlMarkerStyle constants.
xlMarkerStyleAutomatic. Automatic markers
xlMarkerStyleCircle. Circular markers
xlMarkerStyleDash. Long bar markers
xlMarkerStyleDiamond. Diamond-shaped markers
xlMarkerStyleDot. Short bar markers
xlMarkerStyleNone. No markers
xlMarkerStylePicture. Picture markers
xlMarkerStylePlus. Square markers with a plus sign
xlMarkerStyleSquare. Square markers
xlMarkerStyleStar. Square markers with an asterisk
xlMarkerStyleTriangle. Triangular markers
xlMarkerStyleX. Square markers with an X


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This example sets the marker style for series one in Chart1. The example should be run on a 2-D line chart.

Charts("Chart1").SeriesCollection(1) _
    .MarkerStyle = xlMarkerStyleCircle